Introduction to Watercolour Painting

Date: Wednesday 7 August
Tutor:  Jonathan Newey
Time: 10am – 5pm
Cost: £75
Venue: Beaconsfield Studio

Course fee

Course description:

“Introduction to Watercolour Painting” is a day-long journey into the enchanting world of watercolours. Participants will explore the essential techniques and principles needed to create beautiful paintings with this translucent medium. From mastering washes to understanding colour mixing and controlling water flow, every aspect will be covered in this immersive workshop. Through hands-on practice and personalised guidance, attendees will gain confidence and creativity in handling watercolour paints. Whether you’re a novice seeking to unlock your creativity or an experienced artist looking to refine your skills, this workshop offers a nurturing environment to explore the expressive possibilities of watercolour painting in just one day. By the end of the day you will have produced a number of exercises and a couple of small paintings..

Tools and materials:

Surface: 1 x A4 or equivalent pad of ‘Not’ surface watercolour paper 140lb/300gsm.
‘Not’ refers to the surface texture of the paper and is also known as CP (cold pressed) or Bockingford
Brushes: 1 x size 10 or 12 and 1 x size 2 or 4 round watercolour brush.
Paint: Watercolour paint, either tubes or pans.
If bringing tubes then you will need 1 white mixing palette or china plate
Recommended colours: Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow Pale, Burnt Sienna, Alizarin Crimson

Other: 1 x water receptacle (jam jar or plastic container). Tissues. 2B pencil. Eraser
